Offline Marketing VS Online Marketing

Offline Marketing VS Online Marketing

It wasn’t too long ago that offline marketing and online marketing were two totally separate and independent endeavors.  However, with more and more creative marketing and advertising strategies being dreamed up every day, by some very clever entrepreneurs, the two marketing strategies are often integrated to compound their power and effectiveness.  Although we will focus a lot of attention on offline marketing strategies and resources, we also want to help you understand and maintain the balance of the two and make sure you’re getting the most effective use of both.  So, your business marketing plan should not have to weigh offline marketing vs online marketing, but making it offline marketing WITH online marketing.

offline marketingOffline Marketing Strategies

Offline Marketing dot com will provide you with tools, resources, and references to give you some great ideas on how to market your business offline.  We will host articles written by professionals who are not simply overnight gurus, but real people who are actually using offline marketing techniques to make a very good living.  These experts will share their offline marketing ideas and strategies so that you can also succeed in marketing your business offline.

Online Marketing Strategies

Offline Marketing dot com will also provide you with the most effective online marketing strategies, tools, and resources to give you some ideas for your business marketing online.  The online marketing subject is quite vast with a variety of software, ebooks, SEO expert advice and tools, and online services with pricey subscriptions…  As such, we’ll do our best to provide you with only most reputable online marketing resources.

Offline Marketing Consultants

The Offline Marketing Consultant is a relatively new profession.  When the average small business owner or manager thinks of the phrase “offline marketing”, the first thoughts probably go to Yellow Pages ads, classifieds, radio advertising, or even television commercials.  As a business owner looking to hire a web designer, social network marketer, or mobile web marketer, we don’t think to type in “offline marketing” into a search engine.  However, Offline Marketing Consultants ARE those professionals that business owners and managers are seeking out.

The offline marketing consultant will generally work with small to medium sized local businesses in not only improving their presence online, but their primary objective will be to get customers in the door for the business.  A good offline consultant will possess the skills necessary to effectively analyze a website for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), know how to integrate social media such as Facebook and Twitter into a business marketing strategy, keep up to date on emerging trends like mobile marketing and QR codes, and consult with the local business owner on what they can do to bring in more customers.  Offline Marketing dot com will also strive to be a resource for both, the offline consultant as well as the local businesses that seek them out to hire them.

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